Friday September 20th, 2024
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Futuristic Mosques Reimagining Islamic Architecture

Innovative forms, sustainable designs and sleek minimalism weave a silver thread of modernity through the fabric of Islamic architecture.

Laleh Bergman Hossain

For centuries, mosque designs and aesthetics have remained largely unaltered, adhering to traditional patterns of Islamic architecture. Traditional features include a courtyard known as a sahn, a niche in the wall that guides worshippers towards the direction of Mecca known as a mihrab, a water source for ablution, and of course a minaret used by the muezzin to recite a call to the daily prayer. Mosques typically also include a dome -  symbolising the vault of heaven.

In recent decades, many architects are beginning to challenge these patterns. They are reimagining mosque designs by integrating these traditional architectural elements with contemporary concepts. Skylights instead of niches, public plazas in place of courtyards and innovative designs that orient worshippers towards Mecca define a new era of creativity and innovation for Islamic architecture.


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