Friday September 20th, 2024
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XP HUNNA Dialogues EP 1: Dropping the ‘Female’ Prefix Before ‘Artist’

HUNNA Dialogues is a digital series, an extension of XP’s HUNNA initiative, which is dedicated to raising awareness about the work of Arab women artists and industry professionals.

Riham Issa

It is no secret the music industry grapples with issues of representation and inclusion, particularly for female talents. In the MENA region, and across the globe,  these challenges are further nuanced by societal and cultural dynamics. Yet, a wave of social change is unfolding, bringing regional and global recognition to exceptional emerging female artists like Syrian singer and composer Lynn Adib, Palestinian sensation Elyanna, Saudi indie songwriter Fulana and Egyptian neo-soul rapper Felukah just to name a few.

While the the cultivation of inclusive music spaces has been a slow and steady process, there has been a recent flux of initiatives emerging with the goal of amplifying women in music and spotlighting their work such as Spotify’s Equal Arabia, UAE-based festival and agency Femme Fest, NVAK’s Musheqa, FEMENA from Tunisia and Morocco’s Sound Sisters along with XP Music Future’s Hunna Initiative.

‘HUNNA Dialogues’ is a new digital series by XP Music Futures’ women-led HUNNA initiative. This series amplifies the experiences of women making cultural tides and headways in the regional music industry and the stories they have to tell - from singer-songwriters to DJs, producers and record label owners. This highlights their contributions, perspectives and experiences as skilled professionals in a male dominated field, and the ways they’ve come to succeed in an industry with glaring gender disparity.

In episode one, we hear first hand accounts from six regional female artists about finding success in an otherwise male dominated industry.


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