Friday September 20th, 2024
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Macklemore Screams Free Palestine on New Track ‘Hind’s Hall’

The Grammy award winning rapper delivers a powerful message inspired by the pro-Palestine students movement in the US.

Omar Ghonem

"The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied" - these are the lyrics that ring out in US rapper Macklemore's newest track, ‘Hind's Hall’. The artist delivers a hardcore rap anthem criticizing Zionism, American funding for the apartheid state of Israel, and the police's oppressive actions during student protests at universities across the world, and calling for Palestinian freedom.

Macklemore - who has previously spoken out against his own government's policies in support of Israel - named his track after a student takeover of Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall, during which the building was renamed ‘Hind’s Hall’. The students chose the name in memory of Hind Rajab, a six year old Palestinian girl who was killed by Israeli tanks after they had trapped her in a car with her dead relatives for hours in February 2024. Medical workers who were sent to rescue Hind were also killed by the Israeli army.

The track was released on X (formerly known as Twitter) alongside a well-documented video showcasing key moments since Israel’s genocidal incursion into Gaza began on October 7th. All proceeds from the track will be donated to UNRWA once it’s on digital streaming platforms.


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