Friday September 20th, 2024
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Working Hours & Paid Parking - Ramadan Details for the UAE in 2024

Don’t let those Ramadan changes take you by surprise - check this article to catch up with the most important details.

Scene Now UAE

Expected to begin on March 11th, Ramadan and all the changes that come with it will soon be upon us. Here’s a quick rundown on some of the most important details to help you plan out your daily routine during the holy month in the UAE.

Working hours for the private sector will be reduced by two hours across the whole holy month, with no reduction in pay. This rule applies to all employees, including non-Muslims. For those people still working from the office, many of the restaurants you might usually order your lunch from will be closed. Of course some locations will remain open during daylight hours, either for takeaway or dine-in within enclosures, but the majority will not open until after Iftar. 

Aside from restaurants, supermarkets and grocery stores will remain open as usual, operating on unchanged hours. As for malls, they will also be open during the day, with extended hours every night for people looking to enjoy a post-Iftar wander through the shops.

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority has announced that paid parking will be paused between 6 PM and 8 PM, which will allow people to park their cars hassle free in preparation for breaking their fast.


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