Friday September 20th, 2024
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Cairene Streets in Words: Quotes From Egyptian Fiction

Sights, sounds, and stories of ordinary Egyptians, these quotes from Egyptian authors draw straight from the streets of Cairo.

Ziyad El-Helbawy

The notion of home goes far beyond the material. For millions of Cairenes and Egyptians, the streets crossed and paths trodden on the daily are simply that, home - not a perfect one perhaps, but home nonetheless. A polarizing metropolis, Cairo has long been a melting pot of juxtaposing cultures, which while often exciting, can easily overwhelm those thrust into its nonstop intensity.

Across many acclaimed novels set in Egypt's capital, homegrown authors have long provided vivid portraits of its daily urban rhythms. Capturing both the calm and the chaos within the city’s entangled web of alleys and thoroughfares, speckled with nonchalant pedestrians and perpetually honking vehicles, these quotes from novels by Egyptian authors echo the very thoughts that one’s mind may conjure up in the streets of Cairo…


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