Thursday September 19th, 2024
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Beyond Giza: These Egyptian Pyramids are Just as Significant

Strewn across the country, these lesser-known yet historically significant pyramids are often overlooked by locals and tourists alike. Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Ziyad El-Helbawy

To be born Egyptian is to grow up eternally obligated to answer the question-pair, “You’re from Egypt? How many times have you been to the Pyramids?” more times than you’d like to admit. Oftentimes, when we’re done regurgitating the customary on-the-spot history lesson to those that hail from lands beyond, we are left thinking, Iis this all we are?”

That question often trickles into another, more niche, question: “Do people know there are more than just three pyramids out there?”

The Pyramids of Giza need no introduction. They’re prime among the wonders of the world and are Egypt’s most recognizable attractions. But what of the others?

Strewn across the country, these lesser-known – yet historically significant – pyramids are often overlooked by locals and tourists alike. Here’s everything you need to know about them. 


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