Friday September 20th, 2024
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The UAE’s Coolest (& Chilliest) Spots to Escape the Summer Heat

From spa snow caves to mounted peaks and ski rinks, the UAE lacks no respite from the summer heatwaves.

Raïs Saleh

In ancient times, lingering bedouin tribesmen were obliged to travel the far expanses of the Arabian desert with the sweltering sun causing their faces to glisten with sweat. Far stretches on camelback would turn into days without a respite from the heat.

Today, with rising global warming and heat waves taking hold of the Gulf, the Arabian sun is no less a stranger than it was in the days of yore. Except now, the Emirates’ offers a modernist and escapist retreat from the heat - in the form of all kinds of ski and snow facilities across Dubai and Abu Dhabi! Here are some of the best places to cool off and unwind in the heat of the Emirati summer… 


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