Friday September 20th, 2024
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The Best Pasta & Pané in Egypt - A SceneEats Guide

In other words, ‘Macarona w Panee’, but we have to keep it classy…

Ziyad El-Helbawy

The sudden, and this year particularly rough, return of summer brings with it a series of rituals deeply ingrained in the Egyptian psyche. Chief among these annual traditions is an unfathomable yet entirely warranted obsession with, excuse our Franco, 'macarona w panee'.

Scientists have long jested about understanding the almost instinctual bond felt when presented with a plate of breaded chicken by the beach. While no conclusive theories have been put forth, the answer seems to lie within the crispy, golden shell and tender, juicy interior of everyone's favourite summer companion: fried chicken.

Whether it's the nostalgic pull of childhood memories spent at seaside resorts or the simple yet sublime joy of biting into that first crunchy piece, fried chicken holds a special place in the hearts (and stomachs) of Egyptians. While the classic Egyptian 'panee' holds its own, one must acknowledge the mastery of the Italians in this culinary art.

Parmesano, Milanese, or Scallopini – the names may vary, but the soul-satisfying essence remains the same. For this week’s SceneEats Guide, we’ve scoured the country for spots serving what we humbly deem to be among the best Italian-style breaded chicken. Whether on the shores of the North Coast or catching up with friends after work, these spots truly hit the spot.


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